Wednesday 6 April 2011

Warnham LNR

A Little Owl was the pick of the sightings today, no hirundines seen at all but 2 Common Buzzard showed well above the heronry. 12 Tufted Duck are still present on the lake as to were 4 Mandarin, 2 Mute Swan, 4 Canada Goose, 3 GC Grebe and a single Greylag Goose.

In the bushes the song of Blackcap and Chiffchaff dominate with a smattering of Willow Warbler. Dunnock and Blackbird both seen carrying food.

Finally a good number of butterflies on the wing enjoying this warm spell, totals are as follows; 36 Orange-tip, 6 Large White, 8 Speckled Wood and 1 Peacock. Plenty of Grass Snakes basking around the boardwalks and the 4 Bank Voles continue to show well. Also 2 Roe Deer in Walnut Tree Plantation.

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