Sunday, 14 July 2013

Sussex Ornithological Society visit to Warnham LNR

Dark Green Fritillary - Julie & Malcolm Redford

Dark Green Fritillary - Julie & Malcolm Redford
In total 13 members of the Sussex Ornithological Society met early on Sunday morning for a walk around the reserve to see what we could find breeding or using the reserve as a migration stop off. Sadly the baking hot weather meant everything was sheltering from the sweltering heat.

On a brighter note we did manage to see plenty of dragonflies and butterflies including this stunning Dark Green Fritillary which is a very rare site at Warnham and Julie and Malcolm were luckily at the ready to get a few snaps which was fantastic.

Just over 30 species were seen by the group which included some nice bits such as Goldcrest, House Martin and Chiffchaff. There was sadly no sign of the Kingfishers which we were all hoping for even though I had seen them earlier in the morning. Typical!

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