Saturday, 26 October 2013

Trail Camera Success

At Warnham we have been trying out our trail camera's again to see what is active of the reserve at night at this time of year. Over the past few days we have had the cameras in various locations to see what we could find.

Roe Deer
As you might expect if you have visited Warnham LNR before there were lots of visits from Roe Deer. In total we have been able to identify five different deer. They were as follows 3 Doe (females), 1 Buck (male) and a fawn which is photographed above with its mother.

What were weren't expecting however was the number of Badger sightings that were recorded. We think it is probably the same individual but it made several visits on most nights. Hopefully we will start to see a few more animals turning up on the cameras. We also had lots of visits from the ever-inquisitive Red Foxes!

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